News and Announcements

Virginia Department of Labor and Industry Recertifies Dominion Energy Surry Power Station as Voluntary Protection Program ‘STAR’ site
RICHMOND – The site has received recertification as a Virginia STAR Worksite under the VOSH Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). This is the site’s third recertification since 2009.

Notice of the Average Weekly Wage for 2024
Pursuant to Va. Code § 40.1-28.7:8, the term “low-wage employee” as applied to covenants not to compete has been calculated by the Virginia Department of Workforce Development and Advancement to include all employees who earn an average of less than $1,410 per week. “Low-wage employee” also includes an individual who has independently contracted with another person to perform services independent of an employment relationship and who is compensated for such services by such person at an hourly rate that is less than the median hourly wage for the Commonwealth for all occupations as reported, for the preceding year, by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor.
Any employer who enters into, enforces, or threatens to enforce a covenant not to compete with any low-wage employee as defined by the statute will be in violation of the statute, and subject to a suit for damages, attorneys’ fees, and liquidated damages, and civil monetary penalties assessed by the Commissioner.
Additionally, the section contains a posting requirement for employers which advises,
“Every employer shall post a copy of this section or a summary approved by the Department in the same location where other employee notices required by state or federal law are posted.” Posting a copy of the Code will meet the requirements for notice to employees required under the law.
For any questions about current wage rates or requirements under the law, please contact the Department’s Labor & Employment Law Division at

Governor Youngkin recognizes November as Virginia Apprenticeship Month
On November 1, 2023, Governor Youngkin issued a proclamation to recognize November as Virginia Apprenticeship Month. The Registered Apprenticeship model continues to grow Virginia’s workforce by providing opportunities to those who wish to expand upon their skills and remains an invaluable resource to employers and employees in the Commonwealth.

Virginia Department of Labor and Industry Recertifies Cargill Turkey Production, LLC as Voluntary Protection Program ‘STAR’ site
RICHMOND – Cargill Turkey Production, LLC, Harrisonburg Hatchery has received recertification as a Virginia STAR Worksite under the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). This is the site’s 3rd recertification since 2009.

Virginia Department of Labor and Industry Recertifies Luminant Hopewell Power Plant as Voluntary Protection Program ‘STAR’ site
RICHMOND – Luminant Hopewell Power Plant has received recertification as a Virginia STAR Worksite under the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). This is the site’s 1st recertification since receiving certification in 2020.

Virginia Department of Labor and Industry receives federal grant funds to expand Registered Apprenticeship
RICHMOND – The Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) has been awarded a State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula (SAEF) grant by the U.S. Department of Labor to expand the Virginia Registered Apprenticeship program by creating opportunities for innovation, engagement and accessibility in Virginia.
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