Notice of the Average Weekly Wage for 2021

Labor Law governing Notice of the Average Weekly Wage for 2021 Virginia Code § 40.1-28.7:7 pertains to the prohibition of non-compete covenants for low-wage employees.
Virginia Registered Apprenticeship – Your Next Step
Proposed Permanent Standard for Infectious Disease Prevention

The Department has revised the proposed Permanent Standard for Infectious Disease Prevention. See document for: Revised Proposed Permanent Standard for Virus That Causes COVID-19. The Department would like to solicit comment regarding the adoption of the revised proposed permanent standard. If you wish to register a public comment about the revised standard, please use the comment forum here. The forum will be open from December 10, 2020 to January 9, 2021.
COVID-19 Resources and More
Heat Stress Illness and Prevention

Many workers spend their days in hot conditions which pose special hazards. The following links aid in recognizing and treating Heat Related Stress.
NEW! Business Reopening Toolkit

Please review the guidance from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management regarding the “Business Reopening Toolkit”.
Anti Retaliation Laws for Misclassification Claims and Payment of Wage are in Effect

On July 1, 2020, VA Code § 40.1-33.1 and VA Code § 40.1-33.2 went into effect. Statute VA Code § 40.1-33.1 grants employees new rights in disputes with their employers pertaining to their classification as an employee or independent contractor. Statute VA Code § 40.1-33.2 grants employees new rights in disputes with their employers over payment of wage issues. Download the Instructions and Form.
2020 Minimum Wage Act Update

The Virginia Minimum Wage is scheduled to increase on May 1, 2021 when the new Virginia Minimum Wage Act becomes effective.
Hours Worked on Paystubs

Effective July 1, 2020, §40.1-29.C. will require all employers, other than an employer engaged in agricultural employment including agribusiness and forestry, to provide the number of hours worked during the pay period on the employee’s paystubs.
Hazard Alert When Using Hand Sanitizer!

Act with caution when using 80% alcohol‐based hand sanitizer. Before the liquid disinfectant has evaporated or dried there is a risk when touching metal surfaces which may accumulate static electricity which can serve as an ignition source, causing a flash fire.